Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

Ways to Get Involved in the Ephrata Community

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Ways to Get Involved in the Ephrata Community

Posted on October 1, 2021 by Lisa Willwerth

Volunteering your time and talents is a great way to give back to your community. Here are four ways that you can get involved in Ephrata!

Finding ways to get involved is a great way to support your community and make a difference! Whether you’re looking for a short-term or long-term commitment, there are numerous opportunities for you to invest your time and talent into making Ephrata the best it can be. Here are four ways that you can get involved locally.

Help Out at a Community Event

Life is busy, and it can be challenging to commit to volunteering for an extended amount of time. If your time is limited, consider helping out at one of Mainspring’s community events! We have various year-round events like our Party on the Plaza series and holiday celebrations which only require a short-term commitment.

We currently need volunteers to help out with our annual Santa’s Arrival & Tree Lighting Event on Friday, November 26th. You can assist us by:

  • Setting up and breaking down for the event
  • Stuffing goodie bags for children visiting Santa
  • Handing our favors to children
  • Dressing up in costume
  • Serving as Santa’s Helper
  • Manning the volunteer tent

Please send an email to lisa@mainspringofephrata.org if you’d like to volunteer for this festive tradition! Without the help of volunteers like you, most of the Borough’s special events simply couldn’t happen.

Use Your Skills to Serve Others

The best way to directly impact Ephrata’s future is to serve on a local board or committee. These volunteer opportunities can vary from discussing economic development with Mainspring’s Board of Directors to supplying family fun with our Christmas in Ephrata committee. However, it’s best to find a position aligned with your interests and experiences. You can also volunteer your skills at one of our events or assist with a community project like these handy volunteers who built a new bridge for cyclists to enjoy at Ephrata Bike Park.

Volunteer with Ephrata Area Social Services

Volunteering with Ephrata Area Social Services allows you to make an impact and help community members in need. Ephrata Area Social Services has volunteer opportunities with their food bank, front office, Meals on Wheels program, holiday exchange, and various fundraisers throughout the year. Check out their website to fill out a volunteer application and learn more about their services!

Image courtesy of Ephrata Area Social Services

Volunteer at Ephrata Public Library

Ephrata Public Library is an excellent place to serve the community and interact with area residents. With a variety of volunteer options to choose from, such as book sorting, shelving, administrative work, and event staffing, there’s a role for everyone at the library. However, as all in-library volunteer positions require different training from paid staff, they ask that those interested in these positions commit to serving for at least six months. Those that are unable to make that commitment should consider EPL’s short-term opportunities. Visit their website for more information and to fill out a volunteer application.

Image courtesy of Ephrata Public Library

Are you interested in volunteering with Mainspring of Ephrata? Fill out a volunteer interest form on our website! We’ll help you find where you fit in by providing a list of opportunities that fit your interests and schedule. Thank you in advance for helping us make Ephrata an even more enjoyable and prosperous place to live!