Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

Bike Ephrata

Explore Our Ephrata Rail Trail-Ephrata Bike Park @ Heatherwood

Our Ephrata bike park is the perfect place to get your adrenaline fix. With trails for all skill levels, we have something for everyone. Come visit us today!

Come Enjoy our Mountain Bike Park – Ephrata Bike Park @ Heatherwood!

Green space in a community is a valuable gift and an opportunity to provide recreation. The topography of Heatherwood Park lent itself to a form of recreation we did not have in this area.

Mountain Biking!

We developed a mountain biking park that can be used by everyone from kids to adults.

The bike park has two areas of interest in one environmentally friendly atmosphere conveniently located adjacent to the Warwick to Ephrata Rail Trail.

• Skills Area/Pump Track – 7-12 years old, to teach greater skills and maneuvering
• Gateway Single Track – to introduce mountain biking, also of interest to trail runners

Ephrata is the first in the state to have such a park.



Bike Park Map


Rent a bike from our Bike Share!

We announced the opening of the Ephrata Bike Share with a ribbon-cutting on Friday, September 4, 2019. The Ephrata Bike Share is located beside the parking lot for the rail trail at Fulton St. and Railroad Ave.

Lititz Bikeworks will be managing the bike share. “Building a better community through bicycles” is the mission of Lititz Bikeworks and something its owners, Rebecca and Mark Branle, take to heart.  They are also the company that manages the bike share at Warwick. Although you can ride the bikes anywhere, it just made sense to place bike share adjacent to the WERT Rail Trail.  Lititz Bikeworks not only will be managing the bike share but has been very generous with its time and resources.

The Ephrata Bike Share has been a community effort. Mainspring of Ephrata has been the effort’s coordinator, but not without community support. The Borough of Ephrata has been helpful by providing the space and pouring the concrete slab for the bike share shed.  WellSpan Ephrata Community Hospital is committed to understanding local healthcare needs through partnering with physicians, community leaders, and residents to develop innovative solutions that address identified needs and help community members achieve their health goals close to home. Because fitness is part of those health goals, they were the sponsors of the bikes for the bike share, including a mountain bike.  Musselman Lumber was so kind as to donate the lumber and materials for the bike shed. Knead It Massage & Bodyworks donated two air pumps that will be installed at a later date.  And last but not least, Quality Bike Products donated several bikes to be used on the pump track at the Ephrata Bike Park.

We are so fortunate to have so many community members who want to make a better community.

Find your way to our Local Attractions with our Wayfinding Maps!

Choose your location from the buttons below to see the best route, miles to get there, and the walking & biking times to the attraction.  Attractions like The Historic Ephrata Cloister, Tom Grater Park, Ephrata Performing Arts Center, Winters Leadership Memorial, the Ephrata Community Pool, and our downtown!  Just to name a few.