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 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

Veteran’s Day Luminary Trail 2022

Veteran’s Day Luminary Trail 2022

Hosted by Mainspring of Ephrata
Mainspring of Ephrata’s Winters Leadership Memorial Committee will continue the tradition they began on Veterans Day 2014 and will host a moving Luminary Tribute to those who have served.
November 11th, 2022
Winters Leadership Memorial 229 Railroad Ave
Ephrata, PA 17522

Ephrata Hosts 8th Annual Luminary Tribute

Set along the Winters Memorial Trail on Veterans Day, Nov 11, 2022 Mainspring of Ephrata’s Winters Leadership Memorial Committee will continue the tradition they began on Veterans Day 2014 and will host a moving Luminary Tribute to those who have served.

Close to  400 luminaries will be placed at Ephrata’s Veterans Plaza site and along the Winters Memorial Trail.  The luminaries, each representing a brick that is placed in Veterans Plaza at the Winters Leadership Memorial, will honor the approximate 41 million men and women who have served in the US Military.  If you would like to have a luminary placed, you can make a donation that evening, stop by the Mainspring of Ephrata office, Monday-Friday 8 am-4:30 pm or to donate online,  https://form.jotform.com/MainspringofEphrata/veterans-plaza-donation

The Luminary Tribute will begin at sunset on Friday, November 11, and will conclude at 8 p.m.

Admission is free and open to all. Visitors are welcome to walk through the rows of lights.  The trail will be illuminated with the help of community volunteers, including local Boy Scouts troop members.  Additionally, the students from Fulton Elementary School will place mini flags on the trail and Ephrata Pioneer Fire Company will be supporting the event by flying an American Flag over the trail via one of their ladder trucks.

Griddle & Grind Cafe & Creperie will be on hand with hot drinks and lite dessert-style items for sale.

Patriotic music, provided by Roger Fitzwater and Woodcrest Audio, will set the appropriate tone and a vintage WWII jeep, provided by Barry Welsh, will also be on display.

Mainspring of Ephrata would like to thank all the volunteers that help bring the event to the community.  We could not do it without you.

Photo Credit: Don Reese