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 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

Twilight Tours August 22

Twilight Tours August 22

Hosted by Historic Ephrata Cloister
Experience the splendor of the Historic Ephrata Cloister in the evening!
August 22nd, 2024
Historic Ephrata Cloister 632 West Main Street
Ephrata, PA 17522

Enjoy the beauty, splendor, and rich history of the Ephrata Cloister in the evening hours!

The Ephrata Cloister offers “Twilight” guided tours every hour (4:00, 5:00, 6:00, and 7:00 pm) on select days throughout the summer months. Regular admission rates apply: Adults, Ages 12-64, $10.00. Senior Citizens, 65+ and AAA Members, $9.00. Youth, Ages 3-11, $6.00. Children Under 3, Free. Active Military personnel (including the National Guard and Reserves) and their families receive free admission.

Have a question? Please call 717 733-6600 or email: daroe@pa.gov