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 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

Servant Stage’s Jingle Bell Jukebox

Servant Stage’s Jingle Bell Jukebox

Hosted by Hope United Methodist Church
Servant Stage’s original musical revue, Jingle Bell Jukebox, features holiday music, powerhouse vocals, and fun, high-energy arrangements of all your favorite Christmas songs. Get ready to sing and dance with the cast!
November 26th, 2023
Hope United Methodist Chirch 3474 Rothsville Road
Ephrata, PA 17522
Free - donations accepted

Servant Stage Company’s original musical revue, Jingle Bell Jukebox, is coming to Hope United Methodist Church on Sunday, November 26, at 7:00 p.m. The free performance features holiday music, powerhouse vocals, and “fun, high-energy arrangements of all your favorite Christmas songs.”

According to Servant Stage, “Jingle Bell Jukebox will have you rockin’ around the Christmas tree from the First Noel to the final curtain. Drop a quarter in the jukebox and get ready to sing and dance.” For more information about this performance, part of their holiday tour, visit https://servantstage.org/shows/2023/jinglebelljukebox.

Hope United Methodist Church is located at 3474 Rothsville Road, Ephrata. The performance is presented on a pay-what-you-will basis in the church sanctuary. Reservations are not needed but arriving early is advised. The doors to the sanctuary will open at 6:30 p.m. Parking is available at the front and rear of the church. Greeters will assist with parking and access, as needed. For more information or directions to the church, contact the church office at (717) 738-3774 or visit the church website. For more information about Servant Stage, visit ServantStageCompany or call (717)455-0255.