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 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

Paint and Enjoy!

Paint and Enjoy!

Hosted by Eicher Arts Center
Let's Paint and Enjoy!
February 27th, 2024
Let’s Paint and Enjoy!

Capture a typical Lancaster County winter farm scene while enjoying an evening of painting, food, and wine.

Looking for an evening out with friends, or just a crafty day by yourself? Come join us for a Paint and Enjoy evening at Eicher Arts Center.

Graphic Designer and Artist Connie Higgins will lead you through a guided evening of painting on Tuesday, February 27th, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM.

The $35.00 registration fee includes the class, appetizers, and wine.

Doors open at 5:30 PM to start painting promptly at 6:00 PM.