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 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

K9 Eggstravaganza

K9 Eggstravaganza

Hosted by Ephrata Unleashed Community Committee
Egg hunt at Ephrata Unleashed Dog Park
April 1st, 2023
$5 per doggie

Hippity Hop! Easter is on its way!

Come on out and join us for our 2nd ON-LEASH egg hunt for social dogs (& their humans ) at the Ephrata Unleashed

Dog Park! $5 entry fee per doggy, please!
All proceeds benefit the dog park!

At the event you won’t want to miss:

  • TWO times for egg hunts -1:30pm & 2:30 pm. Large & small dogs on their respective side of the park at the same time.
  • Easter Bunny photos
  • “Barkless” Auction
  • Raffles
  • Door Prize
  • Pup Cups

Ephrata Unleashed swag for sale! Grab & go treats for humans on sale.
Be sure to like our page & share the event! Don’t forget to tell your family & friends!