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 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

Jeremiah’s Dinosaurs Ice Cream Social

Jeremiah’s Dinosaurs Ice Cream Social

Outdoor drop in Ice Cream Social Fundraiser benefitting Four Diamonds and kids fighting Cancer at Penn State Hershey Children's Hospital. $5 per person suggested donation. 3-6pm or until sold out
September 17th, 2022
Keystone Villa of Ephrata 100 N. State Street
Ephrata, PA 17522

Drop in anytime between 3pm and 6pm on September 17th to join Jeremiah and our family for an ice cream social to benefit Four Diamonds!!

Keystone Villa at Ephrata will be hosting us for the 2nd year and we are so excited to be able to give back to this amazing cause that helped our family during our son’s cancer journey. All proceeds will go to Four Diamonds for kids fighting cancer at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital.

Last year, we were able to raise over $3,200! We hope to surpass that this year!

Ice cream sundaes are a suggested minimum donation of $5.00 per person.


Donate at the event or at the link below if you can’t attend.

For more information on Four Diamonds, please visit www.fourdiamonds.org