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 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

 Looking for part-time work? Check out our community bulletin!

Fun Day in the Park

Fun Day in the Park

Hosted by Grace Church | Ephrata
FREE COMMUNITY EVENT! Grace Church Ephrata is hosting a free event for the Ephrata and surrounding communities!
May 5th, 2024

Our church family is blessed beyond measure to be part of the Ephrata community, and we want to give back to the place we call home. We’re excited for our annual community day of fun & celebration. This is a time without programs, agendas, or schedules … a time to enjoy being together, a time to enjoy yard games & activities, a time to grab some free food, and a time to be TOGETHER as a community. Thanks again to our incredible community for being a place where we can grow and serve. We are so grateful to you!

  • Free Lunch!
  • Raffle Prizes!
  • Kid Games and Activities!
  • Bounce House!